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Tuesday, October 1

10:00am EDT

Workshop #1: From Certificate Chaos to Control: Istio, Kubernetes and Venafi Unite
Tuesday October 1, 2024 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT
*Separate ticket required*

Dive into the dynamic world of Kubernetes service mesh with this interactive workshop. Designed for InfoSec aficionados, we're steering the PKI ship into uncharted waters with Istio. Does your service mesh feel like a cryptic puzzle? Is the complexity of certificate management in your Kubernetes service mesh slowing you down? No longer! Prepare to set sail across the Kubernetes service mesh, steering through the currents of TLS certificate management with Venafi’s trident of tools: cert-manager, istio-csr and Venafi Firefly. Navigate hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios for unparalleled control and security in your service mesh. Join us and become the captain of your Kubernetes expedition – because certificates shouldn’t be a headache. #KubernetesCaptains #VenafiVoyage  
avatar for Rafael Tanaka

Rafael Tanaka

Curriculum Engineer, Venafi
Rafael started his career in the tech industry later in life, after 5 years as a Linux Engineer at Venafi Jetstack Consult he was able to marry his passion for teaching and innovative technologies such as Kubernetes. He is always coming with different ideas on how to explain the wonders... Read More →
Tuesday October 1, 2024 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT
Thursday, October 3

9:45am EDT

PKI Makeover: How Firefly Helps You Leave Behind 30+ Years of Technical Debt
Thursday October 3, 2024 9:45am - 10:15am EDT
Built on application architectures of the 1990s, traditional PKI struggles to scale and meet the demands of the modern enterprise—despite creative efforts to adapt to containerization, multi-cloud and microservices. However, approaches such as turning secrets managers into PKIs or wrapping 20+ year old CAs in containers still face challenges with scaling, costs and maintenance. Join this session to explore modern PKI architectures that sidestep the pains of legacy PKI to keep pace with both accelerated engineering and securing demands. You’ll see the art and science of what is possible now using Venafi Firefly with your existing PKI! Get ready to build in PKI that’s significantly easier, faster and more scalable than anything you’ve used before.
avatar for Carl Bourne

Carl Bourne

Global Principal Architect, Venafi
For the past twelve years, Carl has worked for Venafi, helping the G2000 automate the life cycle for SSL/TLS security assets across their critical business infrastructure.He has succesfully evangelised and driven new ideas and concepts around the modernisation of PKI, certificate... Read More →
avatar for Mattias Gees

Mattias Gees

Director of Tech, Workload Identity Architecture, Venafi
Mattias is a Director of Tech at Venafi. He has significant experience guiding clients with their Cloud Native strategy and technical implementation. Currently, he is responsible for the internal Kubernetes platform of a global financial institution and for improving the lives of... Read More →
Thursday October 3, 2024 9:45am - 10:15am EDT
Great Room
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